Posted on 03/30/2020

The FHSD Alternative Methods of Instruction (AMI) web page is located on the District website. From this page, parents and students are able to access instructional resources to use during the current school closure. After delivering 3/4 of the school year in a traditional setting, content experts and teachers have been hard at work preparing instructional materials that are relevant and meaningful for students to continue their learning.
This is a challenging time for all, and we appreciate your understanding and patience as this rolls out. It is important that during this time, you make your family’s needs the priority. We want our students to participate in our learning activities, and we understand this can be overwhelming. As we partner on this next step, please use your parental judgement about how much you can handle and how much your child can handle. Our teachers are committed to the success of your child and will work to ensure a seamless transition and make the necessary adjustments for each child when school resumes. If you have trouble accessing any of the resources, please reach out to your child’s classroom teacher for additional assistance.