FHSD Celebrates “We Love to Code Month”

Posted on 02/04/2020
STEAM event at Warren Elementary

In the spirit of February and Valentine’s Day, students across the District will have the chance to find a new love for computer science during “We Love to Code” month. Schools across the District have planned opportunities for students that explore the world of coding, programming, and more.

At the elementary level, many students will engage in challenges through the Code.org website, while others will build robots and program them to perform tasks using Legos 2.0.

At the middle school level, MasterCard will stop by schools and offer unplugged coding activities for students. They will learn about the background of coding and how MasterCard uses computer programing in their work. In addition to the visit, many students will also participate in activities involving Sphero Robots.

High school students will also join the fun and engage in some road block and unplugged coding, as well as play games, such as scratch.

Instruction Technology Content Leader April Burton reflected on the importance of “We Love to Code” month. “Our workforce is changing, so we need more individuals to be able to program the robots that are now doing the labor in place of people. We need kids who can solve computer problems that we haven’t been able to solve before.”

While “We Love to Code” month is a simple and fun opportunity to expose students to computer science, it could also allow them to discover their future career - a match made in heaven.

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